Adding Drugs to an Existing Tag

Once a tag exists further drugs can be added as required, this can be done in two places.


  1. From the Formulary select a drug, then select Add to Tag.

  2. Select the Tag from the drop-down list.

    The view refreshes and the Tag Indicator displays to the right of the drug.

Tag List

  1. Within the Formulary select Tags (X).
    The Tags List displays.
  2. Double click on the tag you wish to add more drugs to.
  3. Select + Search to add drugs to this tag and the Search screen displays:

  4. Enter the drug details.
    The search results display and refine as you type:

  5. Choose the items you want to add to the tag.
    Note - If the drug is not in your formulary it is automatically added.
  6. Select Add X drugs to tag.
    The Tag view updates.
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